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Nancy Chávez
Este mezcal se destila en un proceso de cocción que se extiende durante 5 días en un horno de leña, seguido de una fermentación en pilas de piedra y una doble destilación en ollas de barro [...]
José de Jesús Benjamín Buenaventura de los Reyes y Ferreira, mejor conocido por la comunidad artística como Jesús Reyes Ferreira o Chucho Reyes. Nació en Guadalajara, Jalisco, el 17 de octubre de 1880. Destacó por la [...]
Honorio Robledo
Dedicada a todos los requintos, puntual del son. “Dicen que la iguana es verde y la cuija es venenosa. Me agarré una de la cola pa´quitarle lo chismosa.” [...]
Kirsten Johnson
Un buen punto de partida para hablar de los textiles mexicanos de mediados del siglo XX es el ixtle ichtli, una antigua fibra mesoamericana. Hay testimonios de su uso, entre otras muchas fuentes, en fotografía de [...]
About Artes de México

About Us

At Artes de México, we explore, dissect and disseminate the nation’s diverse cultural heritage. And our medium is the written word. For over 30 years, our primary mission has hinged on Artes de México’s celebrated revista-libro, a notable collection of art books in magazine format that examines the most captivating topics within Mexican culture as a living entity and its creative endeavors. This regular publication offers a space where anthropology and esthetics can come together and thrive. It is here where readers can learn about the Mexican people, their customs and why these practices persist, focusing on the most striking and most powerful forms of cultural expression.

The challenge is to go beyond simply defining a Mexican identity—which can be self-serving and limiting—and to be curious about what we, as Mexicans, do and how we do it. Part of our goal is to galvanize the written word—the most effective educational tool—in order to awaken in readers the desire to gain a deeper understanding of Mexico’s often highly elaborate cultures and traditions, in all their puzzling complexities.

In a bid to make our explorations available to a broader audience, we produce another ten collections to reach, for example, children and young adults, and we publish content in other languages, including a number of indigenous languages. We strive to produce publications of the utmost quality in order to present the abundance of forms of artistic expression that we find in Mexico, uniting them with thoughtful reflections and pertinent literary resources, hence our philosophy: “fusing the pleasure of contemplation with the pleasure of comprehension.”

Publishing Services

Have Your Book Published by Artes de México. Among our many undertakings at Artes de México, we publish books for companies, associations and government institutions. When embarking on a new project, we gather information and work toward becoming well acquainted with the topic in order to design a book project that will meet the needs of our partners, with a particular focus on social responsibility. Each book is unique in what it represents and brings together engaging texts and outstanding images.